Year 5

Welcome to Year 5!

A huge hello from Year 5 and Mrs Bartram!

The tabs on the left side will help you with different information throughout the school year!

Reading at home:

  • Please ensure you listen to your child read each night at home and sign their reading record.
  • Reading to an adult is important as it gives children a chance to practise and to improve their reading skills.
  • Your support with reading at home is essential and only by working together can we ensure your child achieves their full potential as a reader.



Y5 Class Photo

Year 5 – Long Term Plan

Y5 LTP 23 24 New Pic

Links and Social Media

If you would like to contact us please e-mail us at

Please follow our class X (formerly twitter) page to keep up to date with all the amazing things that we do in class. Our X link is: @BSMYear5 (@bsmyear5)