Personal, Social Development

At Saint Mary’s, we recognise that the primary years are a key time for children to develop their own identity and aspirations for the future. As well as academic development, it is essential that children are given opportunities, through the curriculum and beyond, for Personal, Social Development (PSD). We understand the crucial role we can play in helping children to prepare for their adult lives, so they can go on to engage positively in society. The opportunities we can offer them while at Saint Mary’s will impact upon their future, helping them to develop the core values we hold at the school.  Through Personal, Social Development we support them in building resilience, and nurtures mental and physical health.

Here at Saint Mary’s we use the Ten, Ten, PSHE Matters, Live life to the full and a journey in love teaching materials to aim in delivering our PSD teaching. These scheme offers a mindful approach to the teaching of PHSE through quality teaching, refection and discussion with the children. PSD  gives children specific opportunities to explore the range of attitudes and values in society, school values and to consider the kind of society they want to live in.

Personal, Social Development at Saint Mary’s includes the following topics:

Healthy Lifestyles, Nutrition & Food, Hygiene, Emotions Keeping Safe, Similarities, Communication
Healthy Relationships, Bullying, Diversity, Fairness, Discrimination ,Family & Friend, Rules & Responsibilities and Communities.

Children at Saint Mary’s have access to a range of opportunities to develop their PSD including:

  • Breakfast Club
  • Lunchtime Clubs, including sports
  • After school Clubs, including sports, craft and religious activities
  • Sporting Events

Roles & Responsibilities

Our children at Saint Mary’s have a variety of roles and responsibilities throughout school. The concept of monitors is introduced to the children when they are in reception with small tasks of responsibility. Within the school we have the following roles with responsibilities for the children. These role and responsibilities that children are involved in are opportunities which promote their PSD skills such as:

  • House Captains & Vice House Captains
  • Library monitors
  • Presentation monitors
  • Liturgical Team
  • Break Buddies
  • Ambassadors
  • School Council
  • Eco Warriors
  • House Captain

The curriculum and the wider work of Saint Mary’s supports pupils to be confident, resilient and independent. There is high-quality pastoral support within the school and pupils are prepared for life in modern Britain, and understand how to be responsible, active citizens that contribute positively to society.

Mental Health Support at Saint Mary’s

Mental Health lead
Mrs Gleed-Thornely

Mental Health First Aider
Miss Spikings

Mental Health First Aider
Mrs Dutchak

Children can also be referred to the Mental Health Support Team

Young Carers Club

Young carers can be a member of any family, from any background, and in any situation. At Saint Mary’s we are aware that some children may well have caring roles at home. Young carers may be supporting a parent, brother, sister, grandparent or any other relative at home. They may need a little extra support to help them get the most out of school.

We aim to understand the issues faced by young carers and to support any children who helps to look after somebody at home.

We can provide children with support and advice in school. Our teaching staff are aware if a child in their class is part of our Young Carers Club and we work closely with the Lincolnshire young carers’ service and can put families in touch with them and other support services if / when required.

Our Young Carers group meet regularly and our children will have the benefit of being able to have someone to talk to when they need to.

An overview of Personal, Social Development across Saint Mary’s