Early Birds Breakfast Club
Early Birds is an early morning breakfast club that provides care for all children in school. It runs from 7.45am – 8.45am.
We enjoy a wide range of activities, including:
Craft, making puppets, role play, knitting, painting, origami and board games.
In the summer months we use the sports equipment for extended exercise and enjoyment, we also help with home learning.
Here are some quotes from the Early Birds:
“I like to come to early birds because I like making pictures out of beads.”
“We can do fun things inside and outside. It is fun.”
“It is fun and it has loads of activities. In winter we play K-nex.”
“We get to do loads of colouring, making and knitting.”
“We play with lots of toys.”
“We get to play and make craft.”
“We get to play with hurdles outside.”
“We play with the shop, colour and draw.”
If you are interested in Early Birds, please ask the office for a letter.
Here are some photos of the children joining in at Early Birds: