At St Mary’s we use the RSHE programme Ten:Ten, Live Life to the Full and A Journey In Love to deliver the RSHE curriculum.
‘A Journey in Love’ is a resource that is the recommended programme of study by the diocese of Nottingham for Catholic Primary schools for Relationship and Sex Education. It has been written as a progressive scheme of work for all individual year groups that supports Religious Education, PSHE and the Science curriculum already taught within a primary school. The programme has, as its foundation, the belief that we are made in the image and likeness of God and as a consequence, gender and sexuality are God’s gift and reflect God’s beauty. Each stage of growth is delivered through a series of suggested, progressive and developmental tasks and activities. Reflections will focus on physical, social, emotional, intellectual and spiritual development. As children progress through school, they will discover more and more about themselves and the wider world.
Life to the Full has been approved by our diocese. Furthermore, Ten Ten have entered into a partnership with the Catholic Education Service and the Department for Education to provide training for teachers in Catholic schools on the subject of the new statutory curriculum. Therefore, we are confident that this programme is a very good fit for our school.