In Lincolnshire, there are many groups who do fantastic work helping families.
SEND support group information
Recognised and supported by the Department for Education (DfE) under the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice (2015)
LPCF is specifically tasked with working alongside the Local Authority and Health to help ensure that the services they plan, commission, deliver and monitor meet the needs of children with Disabilities and Special Educational Needs.
The Family Services Directory (FSD) is a site for all families and contains a wide range of information including childcare, local and national support groups, schools, Children’s Centres, activities and Children’s Services teams. The Local Offer for families with children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) aged 0-25 sits on the FSD site and includes additional information for young people and families about the services available in Lincolnshire.
The Family Services Directory is on-line at and although the SEND Local Offer is on this site, users can navigate directly to the Local Offer area via
If you need help with finding services, call the Family Information Service on 0800 195 1635 Monday to Friday 8am-6pm or email
PAACT is a Lincoln-based support group for families with children and young people who have an Autistic Spectrum Condition. They are a friendly, informal, non-judgemental group. They aim to help family and friends to access advice, support and activities in the local area.
What they offer parents
- Twice monthly support meetings
- Facebook for you to seek advice
- Regular newsletters to keep you informed
- Library of books and materials for our members to borrow
- Talks by professionals and organisations
- Games Club 2nd Saturday of the month
- Weekly Youth Club for 11-25 year olds during term time only.
- Annual family membership £7.50. Events £3.00 per child.
For more information, email
Chair of PAACT – Gordon Forsyth
Secretary – Charlotte Owen
Support group for parents of children with additional, special and complex needs including learning difficulties. The group meets on the last Wednesday of each month, term time only – 10.30am – 12.30pm. Occasional guest speakers or meet for support.
Contact Emma: 01754 820821 for address details.
Sunset House, Main Road, Friskney, Boston, PE22 8QS
Contact: Emma Slack
LAAFS is a support group dedicated to offering help, information, care and support to parents and carers of children and young people who have been diagnosed with Autistic Spectrum Disorder.
Formed by parents, LAAFS also welcomes professional contributions and pre-diagnosed families
Grantham Autistic Information Network (GAIN) supports families with children on the autistic spectrum in Grantham and beyond.
Tel: 01476 855070
Address: Belton Lane Children & Community Centre, Off Princess Drive, Grantham, Lincolnshire NG31 9PP
Carers are entitled to get help to support them with their caring role and they can access this through the Lincolnshire Carers Service which is delivered in partnership by charity Carers FIRST and Lincolnshire County Council’s Customer Service Centre (CSC). Professionals, as well as carers themselves, can refer into the service, where someone will talk to the carer about their caring role and find out what support there is for them, including advice around any additional financial help they may be able to access, providing information which will help them to manage their caring role or just a friendly listening ear to offer emotional support.
Carers FIRST provides a community based service offering a wide variety of information, face to face carers assessments, help with accessing benefits and 1-1 support. The charity also offers practical and emotional support including social and support groups which run throughout the county each month.
To find out more about the support available to carers in Lincolnshire or to refer a carer to the Lincolnshire Carers Service, please phone the Lincolnshire Customer Service Centre on 01522 782224. To find out about support available for young carers or to refer a young carer, you can talk to someone at Lincolnshire Young Carers by phoning 01522 553275.
For more information about Carers FIRST, please visit
Connect to Support Lincolnshire is an online information and advice library, community directory and marketplace for people Lincolnshire.
The Society provides information, advice and support for adults, young people and children with ASD and signposts people towards other organisations and local support groups which can offer relevant expertise and advice.
The Society has close links with the National Autistic Society and has a voice locally on the Lincolnshire Autism Partnership Board and other decision making bodies. The Society continues its work to foster mutual support, co-operation and understanding to achieve the best possible outcomes and quality of life for those with ASD.