Year 2

Welcome to Year 2!

Hello from Mrs Bartram, Miss Milukovs, Miss Nixon and the rest of Year 2.

Please find the links to the left that can help you with different information throughout the school year.

Reading at home:

  • Please ensure you listen to your child read each night at home and sign their reading record.
  • Reading to an adult is important as it gives children a chance to practise and to improve their reading skills.
  • Your support with reading at home is essential and only by working together can we ensure your child achieves their full potential as a reader.

We will use this page to keep you up to date with all the exciting things we have been doing in our class!



Long Term Plan




Links and Social Media

If you would like to contact us please e-mail us at

Please follow our class X (formerly twitter) page to keep up to date with all the amazing things that we do in class. Our X link is: @BSMYear2 (@bsmyear2) / X (