Religious Education

As a Catholic school, Religious Education is one of our core subjects alongside English and Maths. It is taught for approximately 2.5 hours per week. We use the Come and See programme in school, which is a Catholic Primary Religious Education programme for Foundation and Key Stages 1 and 2 published in July 2012.

Religious Education

More information can be found here.

It takes approximately four weeks to complete each unit and during this time children will hear scripture from the Bible, complete a variety of tasks and share in a Celebration of the Word linked to their topic. Although the programme is centred around the Catholic faith, the children will also have the opportunity to learn about Judaism during the autumn term and one other religion (either Hinduism, Islam or Sikhism) in the summer term.

Below you will see the yearly overview of topics explored per each year group.

Please feel free to explore the links below:

An Introduction to Catholic Education

Come and See Yearly Overview

Honouring Mary Booklet

Parents Letter Advent Term Overview

Parents Letter Advent Term Important Dates 2024 2

Judaism Curriculum Overview

Islam Curriculum Overview

Hinduism Curriculum Overview

Sikhism Curriculum Overview

The purpose of our RE displays is to support the children in their learning. On these, you will see the head, heart and cloud logos which link to different areas of the children’s learning, driver words which help the children to become more familiar with the skills which they are learning or developing, the ‘Big Question’ for the current topic with pupil responses, and key vocabulary from the topic. You may also see links to the Bishop’s Theme, our school prayers, a liturgical calendar and ‘Think/Link’ signposting for KS2.

Each classroom also has their own sacred space which is changed in accordance with the liturgical year. These offer an additional space and opportunity for spontaneous prayer.