
Our aim is for every child to reach their potential as a unique, well-rounded individual and as a valuable citizen in our local, national and global community based on a Catholic Education that firmly places Christ at the centre of all aspects of school life. We need to ensure that every child, no matter from what background they they’re from, are fully prepared for the next stage of their education. It is essential that the children in our school have excellent communication skills and this is a key feature of our curriculum. We ensure that our pupils are fully prepared to thrive in the different curriculums offered by our various feeder schools in the area. In Boston, children have a choice of schools through a selective system.

We deliver The National Curriculum (2014) for all children and as a Catholic School our RE curriculum is at the heart of what we do here at St Mary’s and addresses wellbeing beyond the National Curriculum. Finally, PE is of vital importance to our children. Here they can access a variety of experiences and learn new skills which will support them in growing into healthy, resilient young individuals that can make informed lifestyle choices.