British Values

The DfE has reinforced their guidance given to schools to ‘actively’ promote the fundamental British Values of Democracy; The Rule of Law, Individual Liberty and Mutual Respect and Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs, through their provision of the SMSC curriculum. (November 2014).

Article 2: The convention applies to everyone; whatever their race, religion or abilities, whatever they think or say, whatever type of family they come from.

St Mary’s RC Primary Academy, Boston’s only Catholic school, is built upon the teachings of the Catholic Church and upon five key Gospel values; love, hope, truth, peace and mercy. We are incredibly proud of the diverse nature of our school community and we believe in giving all children, of all races and nationalities, a foundation for their dreams and opportunities worthy of their promise.

We work hard to develop and maintain a positive and active role within our community and we embrace, embed and live out the British values within all aspects of school life, including those of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs.

These values are taught through Religious Education (RE), Collective Worships, PSHE and RSHE. We also teach British Values through delivering a broad and balanced curriculum. We take opportunities to actively promote British Values daily through Collective Worship and curriculum planning. We embed British Values within our school community through pupil elected groups such as our School Council, Chaplaincy team and other pupil led groups. We also support our local and global community through workshops and engaging in events such as CAFOD World Gifts and the Big Lent Walk.

In addition, our commitment to promoting British Values have been celebrated through our Ofsted and Diocesan Inspections, Eco-Schools Award and Bronze and Silver Rights Respecting Awards.

Aims for our pupils:

St Mary’s RC Primary Academy aims to promote high achievement and learning for life by working with pupils:

  • To deepen their knowledge, understanding and love of God and his creation.
  • To stimulate a spirit of independence and self-motivation, thus promoting self-esteem and to encourage personal responsibility for actions.
  • To provide for each child a wide, balanced curriculum of high quality, appropriate to individual needs whilst also fulfilling the requirements of the National Curriculum.

We aim to give them a sense of limitless possibilities – a belief that every day counts and every opportunity matters.  Christ is at the centre of life here at St Mary’s and this is mirrored in our curriculum which is rich, varied and inspiring.

Mission for our school:

St Mary’s RC Primary Academy believes that each pupil will achieve and succeed by the school:

  • Working with parents and the parish to give the pupils in our care a knowledge of their faith and to guide them in the practice of their faith.
  • Encouraging the growth of a community based upon Gospel values, where each member has the opportunity to explore their faith.
  • Providing an environment where each child is valued as an individual and has the opportunity to develop to their full potential.
  • Developing a community where every members’ needs, talents and qualities are appreciated.
  • Encouraging the development of a professional, motivated and mutually supportive staff who hold high expectations of our pupils.
  • Setting and maintaining high standards of discipline, courtesy and general moral values which allow the whole school community to function effectively. Our aim is that each child can, in due course, take on a responsible role in society.
  • Providing a non-sexist, non-racist atmosphere which engenders tolerance and respect for other races, religions and life-styles.
  • Fostering links between home, school and parishes for the benefit of our pupils.