As we head towards the Jubilee Year of 2025, we are focussing on Bishop Patrick’s theme of Encounter.
Bishop Patrick said, “I would like to ensure that people of all ages in our parishes, schools, and chaplaincies are helped to discover, or discover more deeply, the importance of a personal encounter with Christ; so that they can become convinced that they are each loved by God and are invited to grow in their relationship with him.”
At Saint Mary’s in Boston, we encounter God in many ways. Our mission statement emphasises this; ‘We love, we learn, we grow; walking with faith in the light of the Lord’. God is with us in all that we do. Through prayer and liturgy, charity work, RE learning and the way we interact with one another, we encounter God and we help others encounter Him too. In moments of stillness and silence we can encounter him more personally.
Usually, we would focus on the theme of encounter during the Advent term, however the pattern in which we usually focus on each of the three Bishop’s Themes has currently changed due to the upcoming Jubilee. Therefore, until Christmas Eve 2024, our main focus is on encountering God.