Mental Health and Wellbeing

Welcome to our page dedicated to supporting mental health of our staff, pupils and parents. One of our school priorities for this year is to raise the profile of all aspects of health education in both curricular and extra curricular opportunities for everyone. These are a few of the many changes we have made so far:

  • Changed the structure of the school day to incorporate enrichment opportunities for our children – including ‘fit in ten’
  • Created opportunities for pupils and staff to partake in training opportunities linked to health and wellbeing
  • Established a wellbeing lead in school
  • Increased the amount of outdoor lessons for our pupils

Our Well being lead at St Mary’s is Mrs Brader

We will keep updating the sections below with support for adults and children in managing health and wellbeing during the current COVID19 outbreak. Keep checking back for regular updates, along with regularly checking out Twitter page.


What is emotional wellbeing?

Emotional wellbeing is about being happy, confident, having good relationships and being able to cope with everyday events.

We can help you with:

  • Worries
  • Relationship difficulties
  • Low mood
  • Low self-confidence
  • Low body image
  • Coping with change
  • Exam stress

If you would like support please speak to your teachers or call our Lincolnshire Here4You Line on 01522 309120.  If you are under 16 we will usually need to speak to your parents.

Healthy Minds Lincolnshire provide emotional wellbeing support for children and young people up to 19 years old.  If you have a special educational need or disability or are a care leaver they can see you up to the age of 25.

Visit their website here: Healthy Minds Lincolnshire